Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gyeong-ju Shilla millennium park - Secret of Heavenly chest performance, Hwarang Arena (경주 신라밀레니엄파크 천궤의 비밀, 화랑의 도 공연)

Secret of Heavenly chest performance
Hwarang Arena

Korean outdoor barbecue (BBQ)

Gyeong-ju Shilla millennium park, Shilla culture experience hall (경주 신라밀레니엄파크, 한우리가든, 신라문화체험장)

The outdoor Main Stage presents spectacular performances in mammoth facilities with special effects and stunts. The Main Stage, which consists of a land stage (990 sq. meters) and floating stage on water (1,980 sq. meters), has a seating capacity of more than 1,500 spectators. Surrounding the Main Stage are Constantinople, Baghdad, Changan (present-day Xian) and Gyeongju, the four major metropolitan cities of the 18th century world. The floating stage symbolizes the seas through which the four cities conducted trade and exchanges, while the land stage represents the Silk Road, the ancient over-land trading routes. Performances on the floating & land stages highlight the image of Shilla in the world and at the same time, symbolize harmony, friendship and peace among the four cities. The floating & land stage performances, the third of its kind in the world, brim with special effects and stunts. Enjoy the brilliant 1,000-year-long history, culture and glory of Shilla through spectacular performances on the Main Stage all year round.

Martial arts of the Hwarang, the Flower Knight, who served as the pillars of the 1,000-year-long kingdom, are performed in the Hwarang Arena. “Art of the Hwarang” captivates you with mounted martial art performances upholding the spirit and significance of the Hwarang, dating back to about 1,500 years ago.

http://www.sillaculture.com/ Shilla culture experience hall

Making Silla-related characters 
Making and flying kites 
Trying the royal crown and robes 
Assembling the artifacts of the Silla Dynasty 

Busan, Seomyeon - Florian Buffet Restaurant (부산 서면 플로리안 메뉴)

You can enjoy various fresh menus
이 부페는 몇년 전에 생겼는데 장사가 꽤나 잘 되나봐요. 서면 이런 곳은 워낙 상권이 변화 무쌍한 곳이라 3년 이상 가기 힘든 곳인 것 같은데...
분위기도 나름 괜찮고 음식도 깔끔한 편이네요. 런치는 15,500원이고 저녁은 아마 20,000원 미만원 이였던듯~.
캐시백 5,000 ~ 10,000 포인트 사용 가능요. 맛집 블로거 운영 하시는 분들 대단 하신 듯요. 이 몇 컷 찍는 것도 힘들었답니다.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busan Port tour - Please Listen English guide explanation about Busan port (부산항 영어소개)

Please Listen English guide explanation about Busan port (부산항 영어소개)

Busan Port Tour, Korea Maritime Univ, Port Vessel Traffic Service Center (부산항투어, 한국해양대학교, 부산항 해상교통안내소)

 North Bridge is under construction to connect from Haeundae to Young island. (북항다리 건설 모습)
 Busan port has 8 piers. 1~4 piers are moving to Busan New Port. Those piers will be coverd with eco marine park untill 2020.
 Over 400 vessles are using Busan port everyday. (Huge anchorage)
 Korea Maritime University Training Ship(한국해양대학교 실습선)

항만안내선소개(새누리호 승선, Free busan port tour) : http://www.busanpa.com/Service.do?id=aboutbpa_dm_gu_01
연안여객터미널 → 국제여객터미널 → 일반부두 → 양곡부두 → 자성대컨테이너터미널 → 우암컨테이너터미널, 7, 8부두 → 연합철강 → 감만시민부두 → 신감만컨테이너터미널 → 감만컨테이너터미널 → 신선대컨테이너터미널 → 조도한국해양대학교 → 한진중공업 → 연안여객터미널(운항시간 40분)
탑승 대상                                                                                            새누리호 승선신청하기 Click
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※ 단, 승선신청자가 30인 미만시 승선이 취소될 수도 있습니다.
화, 목요일 14 : 00 ※ 우천 및 기상악화시 승선취소 및 변경될 수 있습니다.
연안여객터미널 옆 수미르 공원
  • 지하철 - 1호선
    “중앙동”역 2번 출구에서 도보로 이동(약 5분간 소요)
  • 버스노선
    13번, 507번, 88-1, 11번, 70번, 101번, 190번을 타고 중앙동 부산항연안여객터미널에서 하차
부산항 홍보관 견학신청 : http://shinhang.busanpa.com/