Monday, January 17, 2011

(05진주유등축제,진주소싸움) Jin ju - Lantern Festival Jinju, Bullfighting Contest

Jinju is a city in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea. It was the location of the first (1592) and second (1593) Sieges of Jinju by Japanese forces during the Imjin War. The Republic of Korea Air Force Education and Training Command is located in the western part of the city. There are cultural-historical tourist attractions in Jinju such as Jinju Castle, the Jinju National Museum, and the Nam-gang Prehistoric Site Museum.

There are cultural events held in Jinju every year. Among these are the Jinju Namgang Lantern Festival which is held in October for approximately ten days. This nationally designated cultural tourism festival, found only in Jinju, features a spectacle of lanterns floating on the Nam River to commemorate the patriotic spirit of the 70,000 militia corps and government troops who died for their country defending Jinju from the Japanese forces during the Imjin War (1592–1598). Other major festivals include: the Nongae Festival, the Korean Drama Festival, the Gaecheon Arts Festival and the Jinju National Bullfighting Contest.
The Nongae Festival, held in May each year commemorates and celebrates the sacrifice of the beautiful and patriotic gisaeng (professional Korean entertainer) Nongae's suicide-assassination of a Japanese general together with the 70,000 Koreans who lost their lives in the battle of Jinju Castle during the Imjin War. The festival features an emotional reenactment of Nongae's suicidal drowning of a Japanese general from uiam bawi (righteous rock) below Chokseongnu (Jinju castle pavilion) on the banks of the Nam River.

The Jinju National Bullfighting Contest is recognized as Korea's oldest bullfighting event and spectators can witness a test of strength at this bullfighting contest held at a purpose-built traditional Korean sports arena near Jinyang lake.

Silk industry
Since ancient days, silk processed in Jinju has been known for its superior quality, which is a result of the combination of natural resources (such as clean water of Mt. Jirisan and so on) and human resources. Silk factories in Jinju annually spin out 70% of the national production. Jinju silk has a soft, refined feeling and elegant colors because of its superior dyeing techniques.

Jinju Lantern Festival  and Bullfighting Contest are highly recommended. (매년 10월이면 남강을 물들게 하는 유등 축제는 전국 제일의 축제라고 해도 과언이 아닐 것 입니다.)
 진주성 : 역사와 문화가 집약되어 있는 진주성입니다.진양호 : 아름다움이 흐르는 진양호로 출발하세요.산 : 빼어난 산새를 자랑하는 진주의 산으로  출발하세요.사찰 : 자연과 함께 하는 진주의 사찰을 소개합니다.일반명소 : 진주시만의 특색있는 명소로 안내합니다.진주8경 : 진주의 아름다운 8곳의 비경을 소개합니다.음악분수대 : 음악에 맞추어 연주되는 음악분수대를 소개합니다.

개천예술제 : 전국 문화예술제의 효시, 최초개최 1949년진주논개제 : 매년 5월 넷째주 금,토,일 3일간영호남 연극제 : 진주와 순천에서 격년제로 개최진주남강유등축제 : 진주성대첩 재현, 세계등 전통등 전시진주민속소싸움대회 : 진주 천년역사 속의 자랑거리 소싸움대회이벤트 : 토요상설공연

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